John W. Cline

We at Mesh are often in awe of artist John W. Cline’s dedication to his craft. Cline draws and creates every day, often in his “intense drawing sessions” that explore conceptual spaces.

An architect by training, John’s drawings, although seemingly abstract, have structure and planning.

With combinations of pen and pencil, with the occasional watercolor, Cline artwork stretches the imagination.

His tireless repetitive strokes create undulating drawings that come alive on the sheet of paper. They often almost appear to be moving.

Cline creates limitless planes and perspectives that afford the viewer their own interpretation of his complex structures.

Each drawing, whether painstakingly created over many days or sketched in mere minutes, allow John to test and explore ideas for future artworks.

His finished works combined many aspects of his daily drawing exercises such as his artistic building blocks.

Artistic creation is truly a never-ending process for Cline, one we are excited to continue to see through his eye-catching detailed artwork. You can go to John W. Cline’s artist page on Mesh’s website to see more of his work.